Importance of teaching spiritual practice

Dharma teaches sacrifice; whereas, politics teaches selfishness. Hence, the rise in things such as reservations in different fields. These practices have only one solution – to teach everyone spiritual practice that teaches to sacrifice everything. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athaval

Each generation’s duty

Each generation looks at one to follow with expectations pertaining to the society, Nation and Dharma. Instead, each generation should think what could be done about these aspects and act accordingly; so that, one to follow will be required to do nothing about it. Consequently, it will be able to devote its entire time to … Read more

Who can reside in Sanatan’s Ashram ?

Some visitors ask, “Who can reside in Sanatan’s Ashram ?” The answer is – Those who are committed to performing uninterrupted spiritual practice. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Significance of research in Spirituality

Since science has very little knowledge about the Creation, it has to conduct research to prove a theory. Conversely, since Spirituality encompasses all Creation, it has no need for research. The present generation of the scientific era believes and follows things that are proven through research. Hence, the research in Spirituality. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) … Read more

Depict an ideal society

The present day stories, dramas, novels, movies, TV serials present an image of a downfallen society. Instead, it is expected to depict an ideal society that can serve as a lighthouse to humanity. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

The reason for propagation of Spirituality by Saints

In the earlier eras, people were sattvik (Spiritually pure); hence, the Sages then, were not required to propagate Spirituality. Conversely, in the present phase of Kaliyug, most people do not perform spiritual practice; hence, Saints have to take up the mission of propagation of Spirituality in the society. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Only Dharma can unite Hindus

But for their Dharma, the language, religious and Holy festivals, attire of Hindus from various States in India is different. The only link that can unite Hindus is Dharma. It is time Hindus realise the importance of Dharma and unite. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

How can God-realisation be fast ?

God-realisation requires sacrifice of body-mind-wealth. Hence, instead of wasting life in just earning wealth, performing seva (service unto Absolute Truth), which ensures sacrifice of body and mind along with that of wealth, expedites God-realisation. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale